Monday, August 23, 2010

Hong Kong Series: The Million Dollar Question!

For travelers staying in Hong Kong on a limited budget and time period, the million dollar question is whether to go to Ocean Park or Disneyland. I did not want to trouble myself with choosing between these two themed attractions, so I intentionally made sure that we had sufficient time in Hong Kong to see both. I am too lazy to write a long post on this, as I would like to get on  with recounting our trip and showing you some pretty pictures, so here are my two cents in bullets:

  • If you have kids with you, Disneyland is definitely the better option. It has well produced shows and non-extreme rides that kids will like. If you are going as an all adult group however, Ocean Park might be more suited to your interests, unless of course, you are a kid at heart still caught up in childhood fantasies of becoming a princess or a cheesy drama queen who still believes in happy endings and magic.
  • Some parents argue that Ocean Park is more educational, but then again, are you in Hong Kong for a vacation or for education? Give them kiddos a break! I first experienced the magic that is Disneyland when I was 7 or 8 and I tell you, I felt like the luckiest kid in the world! My cousin, who was in her early adult years at that time, had tears in her eyes when we watched the Fantasmic show in Disnelyand, California.
  • Disneyland is definitely more expensive, no question about the price tag. Tickets cost 350 HKD each, while Ocean Park's are just about 250 HKD. You can get the tickets at a cheaper price though, if you know where to look! See where we bought our discounted tickets in my previous entry.
  • Food and souvenirs are miles better (but more expensive of course!) at Disneyland, but you are not there for the food, are you? Besides, souvenirs from theme parks are overrated.
  • If you have been to Disneyland elsewhere, you might get a tad disappointed. Disneyland Hong Kong is smaller and it has fewer attractions than its Western (probably even, Eastern - ever been to Japan?) counterparts.
  • If you have ocean/marine parks in your home country and have never stepped foot on any Disneyland, go to Disneyland! Ocean park has a lot of adult rides, but they are not unique in any way. If you are residing in the Philippines for instance, you can get the same thrill riding Enchanted Kingdom's Space Shuttle and you can learn all the marine life lessons you want in the ocean parks of Manila and Subic.
I personally enjoyed Disneyland more than I enjoyed Ocean Park, but I may be biased, because I went to the former on my birthday and the boyfriend made me feel like a princess that day.  It was also Philippine-summer-hot-and-humid the day we went to Ocean Park, so we spent quite some time bitching about the heat and called it a day even when the afternoon was still so young. So yeah, I blame my not enjoying Ocean Park so much on the weather!

What about you? Ever been to Disneyland and Ocean Park in Hong Kong? Which would you recommend?


  1. Hi Meedge!Thank you for visiting my blog. I followed you. Hope you can do the same. I browsed through your blog and you have very interesting posts! I'm going to back read all of them when I get better in a few days. The Hong Kong post is very helpful because we are planning to go there. But not anytime soon after yesterday's ordeal, no?

  2. @Lady E: Thank you!:) HK-Phil relations will get better in time. Yesterday was tragic, but the action of one man shouldn't be used to judge the other 91 million people of this nation. Filipinos become victims elsewhere in the world as well.


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