Sunday, March 14, 2010

A Penny For a Thought

In grade school, I was admittedly kind of nerdy. While everyone else wanted to be a doctor, a lawyer or a supermodel, I wanted to be, well, a writer. While my peers back then enjoyed boyfriend-ing, loud music and slumber parties, I preferred to curl up in bed with a good book. I was seriously reading Greek mythology when I was 12 and my affair with Harry Potter started long before the sensation hit Manila. I was, and still am geeky like that, I guess.

Fast forward to today, March 14, 2010. I was just doing what I love to do best, which is to put my thoughts in this pretty little box in my brain labeled "Meedge's crazy thoughts," when suddenly, a thought came to me. OH HOW NICE WOULD IT BE TO EARN A PENNY FOR EVERY THOUGHT. That would literally give meaning to the phrase, a penny for your thoughts and would make me filthy rich without much effort.

Can somebody turn me into a Robert Fulghum and publish my thoughts?

To count for effort, I'd volunteer to write my thoughts down. I'm sure someone out there would buy my thought book such as my family, my boyfriend and my true friends. And no, I would not give them a free copy of the book so that I'll have some sales at least. Haha. Robert Fulghum sold a lot of copies of Everything I Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten anyway and that book is just a collection of his uncommon thoughts on common things. Maybe i could do just the same. I'd write saccharine essays on life and put them all together in one paperback then expect the book to make me rich. Oh dear, me and my crazy thoughts!

Well, i just thought my blog needed some of my stress induced craziness right now, because this baby has been sleeping for such a long time already. Wake up, little one. Wake up.

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